Jaga Rumah — Design Case Study

9 min readMay 24, 2023


Hello! My name is Alifia Hamzah, UI / UX enthusiast who is passionate to create delightful experiences.

This Case Study is the result of MSIB Batch 3 Independent Study program by Hacktiv8. This case study mentored by Moh. Riansyah as a Product Design Spv at ESB as well as a UI/UX Design Lecturer at MSIB. I am very happy and enthusiastic because I want to find a lot of knowledge and learn from him as an experienced mentor.

Project Overview

Jaga Rumah is an app to call housekeepers or day maids. This application can make it easier for homeowners who need help.

Jaga Rumah hopes to help ease your anxiety about an abandoned or uninhabited home. To be able to realize this, we provide home care services daily, weekly to monthly.

Therefore, this case study was created as a process to find your home security solution.

For that reason, the goal of this case study is to Intend to take care of your home and all sorts of valuables that you entrust to us.

Roles and Responsibilities

In this project, I act as Product Designer. My responsibilities include the following:

User Research :

  • Conduct research and research using the Quantitative and Qualitative methods
  • Crafting an innovation plan to create desired new features
  • Conducting a Competitive Analysis of other brands

Creating The Concept and Ideating Solution :

  • Prioritizing problems with Affinity Mapping
  • Identify the user’s pain points using the User Journey

Crafting the Visual :

  • Creating a visual appearance and character of the application to be used
  • Making prototypes for product simulation and for Usability Testing
  • Perform Usability Testing to ensure back to the user whether the product made is as desired or not

Competitive Analysis

To get a broader perspective, I decided to analyze other applications that have the same features and see how they do business, here are some of my test results. So far we have no major competitors, but only indirect competitors.



GoMaid is a service provider for cleaning the house and its contents. GoMaid focuses on ART service providers according to your needs. GoMaid provides domestic assistant services ranging from daily to monthly. GoMaid positions itself as a bridge between family and home-based workers, by having a daily rental system makes it very useful when you really need temporary ART.

Here are some gaps and weaknesses that we analyzed :

  • Only provide domestic helper services with a small service offering.
  • Do not provide the type of promo.
  • Doesn’t expand its language options.
  • Not making better use of modern phone technologies such as fingerprint recognition and voice assistants.
  • Doesn’t provide many payment method options and only be done by manual bank transfer.
Design Thinking

I used the Design Thinking method as the expansion process in this case study.


At this stage, we will do 3 main things; Planning the Research; Creating the Research Guideline; and Conducting the Research. This initial process is the stage where we find out exactly what the problem of our theme is, the problem of a homeowners who need help.

The usefulness of empathy

  • We will make products based on our user needs. Do not let our product just be a good product but only become junk because it is not used by the user.
  • Understand our user goals, motivations, pain points, and blockers.
  • We can prioritize them.

There are several ways we find the problem. It can be done with IDI (in-depth interview), FGD, or survey. Before doing the IDI, I also had to put together a stack of questions to explore the real problems faced by these homeowners.

Defining the Objective

Our objective here is finding out or exploring the motivations/pain points/barriers. We try to deep dive on a certain issue and find out the root cause. And this is my research objective :

Understand homeowners’ thoughts on the Jaga Rumah App.

User Research Goal

The user research aimed at achieving the following goals

  • Find out if people will leave their house, if they will go out.
  • Gain insight into the things that make people anxious about leaving home for a short or long period of time
  • Find out things they often forget when they’re out of the house
  • Find out the problems they face when leaving a house without occupants

Creating the Research Guidelines

After compiling a research plan, then I made a research guideline that contains how we started the IDI. For example, introduction, then getting into questions, and closing.

In Depth Interview

Before starting the interview, I created user criteria to match the target. The user criteria that I created are:

  • Entrepreneurs or business owner 0 -> 2 years
  • Married couples who work together
  • Homeowners who went on vacation in the last 1 month

The interview was attended by 5 participants. Sessions are conducted one by one through Zoom Meeting for 15–30 minutes per person.

Before the interview, of course, I prepared questions that I could conclude in the form of 4 Key Points, namely Past Experience, Current Experience, Concept Understanding, Opinion.

  • Demographics: Name, Age, Area of ​​Residence, Occupation
  • Past Experience: Experience with previous housekeepers, whether there are similar applications that have been used, comparison with other applications.
  • Current Experience: Current experience in hiring a housekeeper or entrusting the house to a neighbor.
  • Concept Understanding: Trying to understand the user’s understanding of the features in the Jaga Rumah App.
  • Opinion: Ask what homeowner think about the concept of the housekeepers and maid assistant.


Affinity Mapping

Affinity Mapping

After getting insight from doing IDI. The next step is Affinity Mapping, which aims to group some insights which can later be used to improve the application. From the results of IDI, there will be many points from respondents answers that will become observations. Then, the inventions are classified according to their similarity.

Result :

After doing Affinity Mapping by knowing the problems in each category, I again narrowed down some of the problems that will continue to be used by How Might We (HMW).

How Might We

This method is about how we can get as many ideas as possible solutions to a problem or challenge.

There are 2 groups containing several HMWs in it. Some of them are :

  • How Might We Looking for a home guard?
  • How Might We Entrust the pet to an expert?
  • How Might We Verified the Home Guard?
  • How Might We provide Security Guarantee?


Quantitative Surveys

At the Ideation stage, the first step I took was to conduct a Quantitative Survey which aims to prioritize the problems that have the biggest obstacles for users.

Here are the questions that I make to do a Quantitative Survey:

  1. How long have you lived in this area?
  2. Is the environment fairly safe in this area?
  3. Is there a guard post/patrol post around the house, does the existence of the post help protect the environment?
  4. What items are usually forgotten when you go out of the house?\
  5. Do you leave home often?


This survey was filled out by 12 respondents who met the user criteria. I take the three most important issues. From the results of the survey I made, it can be concluded that the ones with the most votes are 2, 3, and 5. So, there are 3 out of 5 problems that are most felt by users. Therefore, I will create new features based on the features that annoy users the most.

User Persona

Based on the Quantitative Survey we set up one persona. We referred to her throughout the entire product development process.

User Persona

Angga is a 27-year-old Business Owner from a startup company in Bandung. He is married and has 2 small children in his house. He often went out of town on business trips with all his family members.

Crazy 8

Crazy 8’s is a core Design Sprint method. It is a fast sketching exercise that challenges people to sketch eight distinct ideas in eight minutes. The goal is to push beyond your first idea, frequently the least innovative, and to generate a wide variety of solutions to your challenge. (Design Sprint by Google).

Crazy 8

User Flow

User flow is the steps that a user must take in doing a task. When creating user flow, we as designers are actually thinking about how to guide the user in using the solution we have designed.

User Flow

Medium-Fidelity Wireframe



High Fidelity Design

A high-fidelity prototype is a comprehensive, interactive prototype that is close enough to the final product with a lot of functionality, interaction, and detail. In the High Fidelity that I featured, I broke it down into several parts, namely On Boarding, Sign In or Sign Up, Select Services, Checkout and Payment.

On Boarding

Useful for notifying users of features of Jaga Rumah.

On Boarding

Sign In

Users don’t need to worry about forgetting the password, just need to enter the phone number and PIN.

Sign In

Sign Up

If the user has not registered before, the page will be automatically redirected to the sign up page.

Sign Up


Services we provide to homeowners





Usability Testing

Usability Testing is a way to evaluate a product or service by testing it to potential users. UT was conducted with 5 respondents given 5 scenarios. From the results of UT carried out there were no fatal errors, all respondents could run the scenario smoothly. But there was one mistake at our prototyping stage, which was the presence of a physical keyboard in the login session but could be pressed. This makes the user think the keyboard can be pressed but in reality it cannot.

Heatmap from Login Screen

Final Prototype

Prototype Jaga Rumah

Lesson Learned

From the case study that I have done, I have learned many lessons :

  • Learned a lot about the application of UX methods and principles in the design thinking process
  • Making innovations that have never existed before so as to solve problems experienced by users
  • Provide the best solution that can be developed and can differentiate our product and service from others.


The conclusion from this case study are :

  • Focus on user. I used to think that there wouldn’t be much difference between the perspectives of one user and another, but it turns out that every user is unique and differences in taste can occur between one another
  • Generate Solution. A UI / UX Designer can create all kinds of solutions that come to mind even the most out of the box ones in the design thinking process. So, just explore the solution as many as we can!
  • Keep Bias Away. In the design thinking process, we are asked to provide insights based on what you know about the user, not to make assumptions about what he really needs.

Hopefully this case study can provide inspiration for anyone who reads it. See you on the next case study! 😊

